Magnetic card access systemMagnetic card readerInteractive touchscreens Card vending machine

Ensure the security of your company with a magnetic card reader

Digital conception, your security solution

Protect your company with a magnetic reader!

Sometimes, members of a company don't feel safe, above all when it is a large one. Yet, employees have to be unfazed to work in good conditions. Indeed, security is a key element that any establishment don't have to put aside.

Opt for a card dispenser which is adaptable to access control systems. A security system with magnetic card access is essential to control the access of your business.

Don’t let anybody enter your company!

Reliable equipment

A magnetic strip on the card is connected to the data gathered in the magnetic card reader software, which authorizes (or not) people to go into your company. Thus, the system can lock or unlock the electronic door.  This modern system will guarantee the security and the protection your company needs. What’s more, this is an easy way for your employees to be identified.

If you already own a security system such as video surveillance, complete it with a magnetic card reader, you won't regret it ! Call us to design yours with our experts.

Trust Digital Concept, your reference in terms of safety...

Give a look at other card dispensing machines : magnetic card readers !